So I've got 2 hrs to kill in the Taipei Int'l airport and I thought I'd share the latest story of randomness...
I'm usually a pretty keep-to-myself traveler. I don't go chatting up random strangers on the plane or in the airport. I'm either reading a book, listening to music, watching the in-flight movies, or sleeping. Anyway, before this flight I was thinking about how often I waste so many opportunities to share the gospel with people around me and how a plane ride is an awesome chance to do just that.
So I'm sitting in my aisle seat and there's a Chinese lady sitting in the window seat next to me. I'm reading my book and as the plane takes off and gets under way I decide to say hello to her and tell her that I plan to snooze off and on during the flight and not to hesitate to wake me up if she needed to get out (my last flight I'm pretty sure the girl was afraid to wake me up so everytime I woke up she asked to get past me and looked like she was busting...). I wasn't sure how good her English was going to be and it turned out to be pretty good. We made some small talk and found out a little bit about each other.
A bit later, I excused myself to use the toilet and while I was gone I just felt a huge burden to share the gospel with her. It's just the two of us sitting together, she speaks English on a flight where most of the people don't look like their English is great, she's friendly, we've already broken the ice...what am I waiting for? Deep down I knew if I didn't say anything the whole flight I would have ignored the Holy Spirit's voice.
When I got back to my seat I decided to talk about church to try to lead into a discussion about God. When I mentioned church, she lit up and said, "Are you a Christian?!?! Praise God!" It turns out that she is a disciple of Christ as well and just an amazing woman of God and the whole plane ride she had been praying for courage and good enough English to be able to share the gospel with me!
We shared about what God was doing in our lives, we prayed together and we just enjoyed a really good time of fellowship on the flight - something that I never would have expected! I told her about my unknown future and she prayed for me and reminded me how God never fails and how He always has a plan for us. She told me about the visions she's had from the Lord and how God has just answered her prayers in so many miraculous ways over the years. God definitely answered my prayer and I can't wait for more opportunities to encourage/be encouraged by other Christians as well as to share the gospel over the next couple months
Even more random - it turns out that she might be the godmother of this guy I met just yesterday for the first time. Small world.
Labels: God Thoughts, Travel