Monday, November 23, 2009

Patients Always Lie?

If you watch House, you know that you always have to take the history details with a grain of salt because patients often don't provide you with the full truth...

66 yo man presented to hospital with a piece of wire protruding from his anus claiming that some friends stuck a bottle up his ass and that he was trying to fish it out with a coat hanger.

Turns out he wasn't lying about the bottle part but he was about the friends. An abdominal X-ray revealed that this was a solo effort. There's no way he could have looped the coat hanger around the bottle after insertion.

Apparently 3 months post-laparoscopic surgery, he did the same again with 8x33cm butternut pumpkin and unsuccessfully tried to remove it with a fork. He was rewarded with a colostomy. Should have given the bottle back to him...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

For real??? talk about a great way to spend healthcare dollars.

- Tracy

3:57 AM  

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