Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I prefer scoring goals over setting them. The usual pattern for me is to make goals, not achieve most of them, and then get discouraged by my lack of achievement to the point where I can't be bothered to set any more goals. Here goes nothing...

For my week off (which effectively ends Sunday, March 29 at 11:59pm):

1. Exercise
As Sean so astutely pointed out, it's pretty hypocritical to be sitting on your ass doing nothing while telling other people to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Going to aim to run 3 times a week.

2. Leisure reading
I've got 3 books sitting on my shelf that I want to read. Goal is to have one of them read before the start of my GP rotation.

3. Studying
Finish microbiology notes
Review physical examination details so I can mask my ignorance starting next week...
Go through BRS Physiology

4. Clean the bathroom
Our bathtub needs a good scrubbin...

5. Chat with my family back home
Been a while since we've talked...

6. Squeeze in a jam session
I'm cheating here because there's one sort of lined up already... =)

7. Start writing down 5 things that I'm thankful for every morning (unique ones)
Got this idea from Jamesy. I think I need to be more thankful everyday other than right before I eat something. With all God's provisioning, you'd think this shouldn't be too hard? Guess I'll see soon enough...



Blogger eejenee said...

oOoOoo #7. is a good one! i'm gonna make al do that :)

#1. guilty. prescribing exercise programs is my job. yikes @_@

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehhe you should listen to Hamish and Andy on the radio B105!! It'll give you a blast! buahah

6:15 PM  

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