Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Urachal Fistula

Onwards to a very brief, three week renal block. Just read about how you can pee through your belly button if you have a urachal fistula. Basically, it's a direct connection that forms between your bladder and the umbilicus (belly button). Would be cool to head to the urinal, lift up your shirt, and relieve yourself. Problem is that this fistula would probably be proximal to your external urethral sphincter and you wouldn't have any voluntary control over when you pee...so you'd really just end up with a constant wet spot all over the front of your shirt and pants.

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Blogger Steeejei said...

'a constant wet spot all over the front of your shirt and pants'

And, might I add, that stinks and is sticky...eww!

Great blog :)

8:13 AM  

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