Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mr. A-Z

I think the first time I heard of Jason Mraz was through these YouTube videos made by a group of students from San Diego (aka Wong Fu Productions). I remember thinking that this video was really cute and this one called 'Yellow Fever' was pretty funny.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go see Jason in concert at the Tivoli here in Brisbane and it was pretty awesome. One of the opening acts was a gal from closer to home, Vancouver Island, named Hayley Sales. She had a great "sultry" voice and great guitar skillz to accompany it. The second guy was terrible. I think I could have done a better job. Jason was great to watch live because of his great voice. He seemed to be able to sing so effortlessly for the whole evening. We were standing about 20 ft away from him and the sound was at a level that you could actually enjoy. Couldn't quite see but I think Jason used a Taylor made nylon string guitar the entire time. It was funny because he joked about not having a guy hand him differently tuned guitars between songs/sets as he occasionally paused to re-tune his guitar. He had a pretty sick bassist backing him up and there were a few songs where he busted out some crazy slapping solos.

We were close enough to the stage for me to get a couple shots with my little point and shoot camera. Unfortunately, when it came to getting a picture with him and his autograph, we were ousted by the many female fans. Mike and I stood no chance against the ladies.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Matt, haven't visited here for a while. it was great to have you and Mike at cccb on Sunday. keep up the thoughtful Christian living, and see you round the place... kn

5:32 AM  

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