Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Temporary Life On Earth

"People are like grass that dies away;
their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of wildflowers.
The grass withers,
and the flowers fall away.
But the word of the Lord will last forever."
- wise words from the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 1:24-25, quoting the prophet Isaiah (40:6-8).

Living a life filled with eternal significance has been a long term goal of mine following a huge paradigm shift at Breakforth 2006. The concept of discipleship became more of a reality to me as I began to view "holy living" from an entirely new perspective. Does this blog fit under the umbrella of the temporary or the eternal life? Possessions, accomplishments and people will all fade away but does that mean they don't have any place in the life of a disciple of Christ? What about an attitude of stewardship, accomplishing great things for the glory of God and influencing people by the love of Christ?

I'm at that point in life where marriage becomes a prominent theme among peers. There are weddings happening everywhere I look. The biological clock is ticking and it seems to nudge us forward on the path of love. What is true love? I wish I could honestly quote 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 when asked what I'm looking for in regards to love. But I still often find myself looking for physical beauty, common interests, a sense of humour, intelligence, athleticism, personality...the list goes on...over Godly character. The apostle Peter states very clearly that their beauty will fade as quickly as the beauty of wildflowers come and go with the seasons. A genuine love and fear of the Lord is really the only thing that matters because that is the one thing that will never fade away for all eternity. Moth and rust are powerless to tarnish it.

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