Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 36: Elijah

1 Kings 17-19:18

- all I can say is that Elijah did some pretty crazy stuff...
- so in the first part, a massive drought hits Israel and Elijah is sent to a widow in Zarephath. Here is the story of the widow's faith and how because she trusted the Lord and Elijah, she had an unlimited supply of flour and oil until the drought was over.
- later, when the widow's son dies, Elijah raises him from the dead. After seeing this, the widow exclaimed that he must be a man of God and be speaking the truth.
- then there's this part with Obadiah (same as the minor prophet???). After a quick glance through the book kof Obadiah (shortest book in the OT), it doesn't appear to be the prophet. Anyway, Elijah tells him to go to Ahab to set up a meeting between them. It says that Obadiah feared the Lord and had been hiding prophets of the Lord from Jezebel who wanted to kill them all.
- then comes the big showdown between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. I find it funny how Elijah taunts them as they try to call out to a non-existent god with dancing and blood-letting. He says maybe Baal is asleep, yell louder. When nightfall comes, he drenches the dead ox in water and then calls upon the name of the Lord. Fire from heaven comes down and consumes the offering, wood, stones and dust. Then the people fell on their faces; just like everyone does when they realize that God is there.
- all the prophets of Baal are round up and killed.
- there's this part where Elijah sends Ahab to Jezreel and then the Lord gives him this superhuman speed and he beats Ahab there on foot (I would guess Ahab rode out on horseback or on a chariot).
- later on, Elijah is being hunted down by Jezebel so he flees to the wilderness. He asks God to take his life but God's work for him is not complete so he sends angels to attend to his needs. After he had eaten and drank, he went for 40 days and 40 nights on that strength to Horeb, the mountain of God (also called Mount Sinai).
- at Horeb, God tells Elijah to anoint Hazael king over Aram, Jehu king over Israel and Elisha prophet to replace Elijah.

Elijah's life reminds me of the life of Jack Bauer in the television series 24. It's just non-stop action all day everyday with no breaks for food or rest. Elijah's commitment to God is astounding. The other day I was reading a passage in Ephesians chapter 4 that talks about how the Holy Spirit will make some of us prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, etc. I wonder what a modern day prophet would look like? Would he/she be doing some pretty crazy stuff for God just like Elijah did? I pray that God can allow me to serve Him just as Elijah did.



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