Saturday, March 11, 2006

Day 20: Deborah

Judges 4-5

- Ehud, the left handed Judge had passed away and once again the Israelites were back to their sinful ways in a seemingly hopeless cycle. They were sold out to a king of Canaan named Jabin, were oppressed for 20 years, and then went crying back to God for help (another round in the cycle).
- Deborah was a prophetess and was leading Israel at the time. She gathered the troops under Barak to defeat Jabin's army. For whatever reason, Barak refuses to go without the Deborah along with him (fear, weakness...). So Deborah tells him that the Lord will hand over honor of winning the battle to a woman.
- Barak and the army of Israel destroy Sisera's army. Only Sisera surivived and fled to Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite. It was Jael to drove tent peg through his head.

- in chapter 5 Deborah and Barak break out into song.
- there was peace in the land for 40 years under Deborah.

Moses, Miriam and the Israelites broke out into song after their deliverance from the Egyptians. Once again, it is shown here that it is good to praise the Lord with song. This is genuinely inspired worship and a genuine reason for worship. The next time God answers my prayers or works in my life, I'll sing Him a song.



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