Friday, March 10, 2006

Day 19: Joshua

Joshua 23-24

- These two chapters depict the end of Joshua's leadership of the Israelites and his life on earth.
- the fighting had ceased and Israel had finally taken hold of the promised land.
- Joshua reminds the elders, leaders, judges and officials that it was the Lord their God who gave them victory. He urges them to remain obedient to the laws of Moses given to them by God, not to stray left or right and not to follow the practices of other nations.
- the consequences for turning their backs to God and associating with the surviving nations will result in their defeat at the hands of their enemies.
- Joshua reminds them that not a single promise from God had failed after all these years. In the same way His blessings have come true, so will his judgment if they violate the conditional covanent by worshipping other gods.
- in chapter 24, Joshua recalls the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He reminds them of the exodus from Egypt and how they were saved at the Red Sea. They defeated the Amorites, the Perizzites, Canaanites, Hittites, Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites with the help of God. And by God's will, they destroyed Jericho. So after all this, Joshua once again stressed how important it is for them to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully. Joshua proves that he is set apart for God by saying that he and his household will choose to serve the Lord regardless of what the rest of the people choose.
- then the people declare that they will serve the Lord and obey Him.
- a covanent is made at Shechem.
- Joshua died at 110 and was buried in the land of his tribe (Ephraim)

At the end of chapter 24 it states that "Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua". This is definitely a reflection of Joshua's leadership ability and his commitment to the Lord. At the end of his life we can see how concerned he is for the spiritual well-being of all the people. Unfortunately, the time of the judges comes right after Joshua dies and Israel begins to disobey the Lord.

I can't believe how many awesome role models there are in the first few books of the bible. I really admired Noah, Abraham and Joseph. I think Joshua definitely fits in somewhere near the top of the A-list for those devoted to God. These two chapters exhibit a constant encouragement to continue to follow God; reminders of the countless times God has delivered Israel from certain destruction. Even though we must forget what is behind us and strain toward what is ahead in one sense, sometimes I think it's necessary to remember how God has been faithful in our lives. For me, I think about the worries I have right now like finding a summer job and I look back to a year ago when I was worrying about the same thing and God pulled through. God is faithful.



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