Day 18: Caleb
- this isn't in this passage but I recall that out of the twelve spies sent into Egypt, only two returned with favorable reports. Everyone else said that they were giants and that Israel had no chance to defeat the people in Canaan. But two of them had faith that the Lord would give them victory. Those two were Hoshea son of Nun (renamed Joshua) and Caleb son of Jephunneh. Joshua and Caleb were from the tribes of Ephraim and Judah respectively.
- Caleb was 40 years old when Moses sent out the 12 spies. He followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
- Caleb was now 85 and he still feels as strong as before and ready to take the promised land.
- he wanted to claim the hill territory where the Anakites lived.
- Joshua blessed him and gave him the land of Hebron because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
- Judah's territory encompassed the land west of the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean and extended to the far south towards Egypt. According to the map in the back of my bible, Judah appears to have been given the largest area of land out of all the tribes of Israel. Bethlehem is located in Judah's territory.
- Caleb drove out the Anakites from the cities in that area and gave his daughter to Othniel in marriage (Othniel later became Israel's first judge after Joshua's death).
- according to the bible, the Anakites were a race of giants that were possible decendants of the Nephilim (people created from the cross-breeding of "sons of God" and the "daughters of man"...angels and women??).
As you probably could tell from above, the word that stuck out the most was wholeheartedly. Caleb was a man who followed God wholeheartedly. defines it as "Marked by unconditional commitment, unstinting devotion, or unreserved enthusiasm". I think God's unconditional love for us demands our unconditional commitment and obedience. It marks the line separating true disciples from believers; something that I've been working on for the last few months. A disciple follows Christ wholeheartedly as Caleb did. What an awesome role model to follow.
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