Saturday, March 04, 2006

Day 13: Moses' Parents

Exodus 1:1-2:10

- eventually, Joseph and his family passed away and a new King rose to power in Egypt who did not know about Joseph.
- the Israelites were made into slaves for the Egyptians.
- on top of the hard labour, the King instructed two Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill any male babies. But they feared God and did not listen to the King.
- God blessed the midwives by being kind to them and giving them families of their own.
- it does not state the names of Moses' parents...only that they were both Levites.
- Moses' mom hid him for 3 months and then placed him in a basket along the bank of the Nile river.
- Pharaoh's daughter, while bathing, found Moses and felt sorry for him. She ended up getting his mom to nurse him and was paid for it.
- when Moses grew older, he became the son of Pharaoh's daughter.
** Moses means "taken from water" and sounds like Hebrew for "draw out".

It's definitely clear here that we are to obey God rather than men and that God will bless us for that, just like he did for Shiphrah and Puah. It must have taken a lot of faith on Moses' parents part to be willing to leave him in the river. Things turned out for the best but it could have been someone less caring who found Moses and decided to kill him in line with Pharaoh's orders. Also, for Pharaoh's daughter to disobey her father is also interesting. I should be willing to take a step in faith without worrying about the potential consequences.



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